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The Best Places to Find Professional Partners and Teammates

The Best Places to Find Professional Partners and Teammates - Infographic

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When starting a new project, one of the first steps is creating a good team. There are various ways to find good teammates for your projects, such as your own network, conferences, social media, and TeammateMe. Some places are better than others, however, and this article will discuss five places where you can find good teammates, along with the pros and cons of each one.

Your Professional (and Personal) Network

Networking is a word job searchers have heard many times before. Although you might be rolling your eyes hearing the word “network” again for the thousandth time, it is important for a reason. The people you connect with probably share common interests and goals as you do. Also, knowing people from many walks of life not only keeps things interesting, but it can also be extremely beneficial on a professional level. You never know when someone you meet can help you find your next job, or work with you on your next project. Even if someone in your network cannot help you, they may introduce you to someone who has the skills you are looking for.

In-person Conferences

In-person conferences are a great opportunity to connect with new people in your industry, to learn about new ideas and technologies, and present your own ideas for feedback from your peers. Presenting your ideas at a conference also provides an opportunity to market yourself and gain recognition in your industry. Although in-person conferences offer opportunities for professional and personal development, they are not necessarily the best places to network. Despite being able to meet a wide variety of people, you may not connect with the right individuals to help you reach your goals. Even though you may have sat next to a phenomenal financial advisor, it might have been better if you had sat next to a marketing professional. Then, you could have solicited their opinions and expertise about your upcoming marketing campaign. Some other downsides to in-person conferences include the cost of attending (including travel and lodgings), and with COVID-19, there are extra safety concerns. For these reasons, many organizations have switched to virtual conferences as an alternative.

Virtual Conferences

Virtual conferences have become popular due to COVID-19, but they are also more convenient and efficient. You can still learn about new ideas and present your own work, without spending lots of time or money traveling to and from the conference. The downside to virtual conferences, though, is how difficult it is to network with other professionals. There is an overall lack of interaction with other professionals due to high attendance rates, demanding schedules, and minimal to no group discussions. Due to the lack of networking opportunities available at virtual conferences, many professionals turn to social media platforms, such as LinkedIn to find teammates.

Social Media

The rise of social media in the past twenty years changed the way we meet and connect with people. Even professional connections can be made through social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin. Although you can find lots of opportunities on social media, there are also many fake and spam users there. It is easy to get lost in the crowd, and it can waste a lot of your time. Even on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, it can be difficult to make new connections, unless someone within your own network also knows the person.


There is a new platform specifically designed for finding professional partners and teammates. TeammateMe is a platform for connecting skilled professionals with each other, anytime, anywhere. Whether you are searching for content writers, or you are a teacher creating a study space for your students, TeammateMe has the collaborative tools to get you started.

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